Disclaimer: This is the patient reference information section of our website. Please be aware that all information provided by our website on surgical procedures, injections and radiofrequency ablation is for informational purposes only. No invasive procedures are performed at our clinic.

Introduction to Running

Physiotherapy in West Vancouver for Running

Welcome to West Vancouver Sports and Orthopedic Physiotherapy's resource about running.

Whether you are racing in the 400 meter at the Olympics or you are jogging the track at your local high school, any true runner knows that this sport requires not only incredible endurance and great lung capacity, but that you also had better keep your legs in shape to win your race.

Most running injuries happen in the hips, knees, ankles and feet of runners.  There is not only intense repetitive motion in this sport, but it also requires ample stretching and just a tiny bit of coordination.  In order for you to keep competing, it is necessary that you not only make sure you have a great pair of shoes at your disposal, but that you also take the time to pay attention to your muscles and your joints.

We all love the rush of wind through our hair, the feel of the burn in our legs and the jubilation of crossing the finish line; when you take the time and use the resources we have made available to you on this site, you will be sure not to “hit the wall” too soon.

Explore our Running pages

West Vancouver Sports and Orthopedic Physiotherapy provides services for physiotherapy in West Vancouver.